The Handsome Man I Am Married To

That man is none other than Robert W. Frick II, yep that's right, he is a 2nd! Pretty cute huh?! I have been blessed enough to know him for 18 years (since 2006). We first met at a campus ministry, Cru, when I was a student at NMSU and he was in Bible college. To be honest, at first, we didn't like each other. In fact, we were asked to do a "Weekly News Update" each week at Cru, where we got to take sarcastic shots at each other for fun. He thought I was the typical Hollister girl, with my torn jeans and popped collar shirt, and I thought he was a silly emo kid with shaggy black hair and a lip ring. :) Turns out we were both wrong.

December 2008, we bumped into each other in Starbucks, and haven't been a part since. On April 6, 2012, this man got down on his knee and asked me to be much more than his girlfriend; in fact, he tearfully asked if I would be his forever...and on April 6, 2013 I became his wife.

While I still love my torn blue jeans and he still sports his hipster style from time to time, we have come to know each other as the man and woman that God created! I am so lucky to have him as my own. I have never been more challenged in my faith, encouraged to pursue my passions, and pointed towards Christ than with him. He is pretty special, not to mention he can play the guitar like no one's business, sing wonderfully, argue better than most television lawyers, and he knows more random facts than Wikipedia. So that's it,

Frick n' Mulis out!