Monday, November 14, 2011

God is in the Details

I wanted to share briefly, what I was learning this morning. I am reading Exodus 31:1-11. This is about Bezalel and Oholiab. This is the first time in the Bible that God fills anyone with the Spirit. God specifically chose Bezalel to fill him with the Spirit so that He could comprehend and recreate the designs that God had in mind for the ark, the tabernacle, all of the Priests sacred garments. All of those infinitely small details that God commanded was able to be produced because of the wisdom and ability given to him by God. Oholiab was appointed by God to help Bezalel. God even gave special abilities to all of the workers to be able to create the designs given.

How cool is that? God demands something from his people and then gives a part of himself (the Spirit) to specific people so that the Israelites can accomplish the task and glorify him! I know when I was reading all of the details I thought it was overwhelming. Who is going to be able to do all of that. It is amazing that they had workers skilled in such areas, but God always provides.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Coffee with Cinnamon & Honey

Well I am still sick, surprise! :)

I woke up this morning, stuffed up and a little out of it. So after gaining some consciousness, I listened to a worship song to help me focus on God. I couldn't help but repeating the phrase: "You make me new, you are making me new." Over and over I sang this, just worshipping the Lord.
Thank you God that you except me right where I'm at, but you don't just leave me there. You promise to make me new, to make me more like you. You made me from nothing and I have nothing to offer you. But you give me an inheritance greater than I could ever imagine. You are a saving God and a renewing God. You are an artist who can take nothing and make it into a masterpiece. You can take the ugly and decrepit and recreate something that you fancy. Something that brings you honor. 
You are beautiful, I am just a mere reflection of your beauty.