Tuesday, May 1, 2012


If you haven't heard, the rumors are true...I am engaged! I told my friend Jose that they should check to make sure Hell hasn't frozen over! ;) Okay, I'm kidding, but it is kind of funny. For so many years I have talked about this day with my friends; in fact, my three best friends from high school and early college had already made predictions about the order we would we in. Turns out they might be prophetic, because we did marry in that order! Paige, Katie, Juliane, and Nicole have all surpassed me in getting to the wedding finish line; but I have taken my sweet ole' time. I even made friends with younger girls to give myself a buffer (thanks Courtney, Maggee, Alana, and others)! To be serious for a moment, I do not at all regret taking my time, and taking things slow. The last six years of my life (when I first met Frick) have been so crucial, and without this learning experience, I don't think I would be prepared to be a wife.

 I have learned, and continue to learn how to love others without selfish motivation, and how to except/allow others to love me. Of course, this process of loving and learning to accept love, all starts with God...the creator of LOVE. I would have no idea how to do any of this, if He had not first loved me. I constantly remind myself that love is more than a feeling, it is a choice, and sometimes a very hard choice. If I want to be loved, I must choose to love as well, even when I don't feel like it. I see the road that lies before me, and I am excited for the easy, peaceful, times; however, I am ready to take on the challenges that come when two messy people get together and try to create something beautiful. So bring it on!

Well I will keep you updated on wedding stuff here soon...but until then, start working on your "Frickin...jokes"
 Best joke of the day,

 Friend: Congratulations on your daughter's engagement.
My Mom: Oh, thank you.
Friend: Pretty soon you are going to have "Frickin" grandkids!

 With Love, Sarah

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