Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Pain, Perseverance, Passion and Purpose

Sorry for the serious post today, but I feel inclined to share something with you. It's been two years since my last post, and there is reason for that. The past two years have been rough, but they have also been redemptive. Let me explain.

About two years ago, God shook our lives up completely. It felt like we were figurines in a snow globe, that some toddler was shaking up furiously. We didn't know which way was up, or which way was down. There was no one to help us because they were either in the "snow globe" with us, or they were completely oblivious to what was happening. It happened so fast, but looking back, it was actually a long time coming. About two years ago, we left our church.

This may not sound like a big thing to some, but for us, it was like leaving a family. It had been my family for 16 years and 4 years for Bobby. This wasn't an easy choice, in fact, it wasn't much of a choice at all, it was God. You see, the previous year we had been praying about where God would have us go, and He clearly said we would be leaving our church. So we casually looked at other places, but nothing really grabbed our attention, and things felt good where they we stayed. But God had other plans for us. He was preparing another church, leadership, a new pastor and disciplers for both Bobby and I. It was at just the right time that God drew us out.

I'm reminded of the verse in Genesis, when Joseph reveals himself to his brothers who betrayed him. Joseph did not blame his brothers for his misfortune, but instead, viewed all that had happened to him as God's doing. He saw the end result, and knew that it had to happen that way in order for God to use him for his plan and purpose. Genesis 45:8, "It was not you who sent me here, but God." This so speaks to my heart because God has done this to me before, just like He has to so many others. Our Father has a plan for our lives, and when we resist, or hold on to the things we are supposed to let go of, He lovingly but sometimes forcefully takes it away. He will use whomever, and whatever details to get you where He wants you. Though extremely painful, it was worth it.

This push resulted in immediate disillusionment with God, the church, our friends, and each other. Without going into too much detail, Bobby suffered a time of depression and severe anxiety, and I myself felt lost, angry, abandoned, helpless, hopeless and worthless. But God was there to catch us. He provided healing, therapy, love, friendship and hope for our broken hearts and broken spirits. Our Savior rebuilt us and our faith into something that endures. Best of all, He provided for us a new family, a new church community, and new leadership roles. Jesus walked with us through the pain, helped us persevere, and has brought us into a season of passion and newfound purpose.
                                                                XOXO The Fricks

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